Category Archives: Age of Sigmar

Morgok’s Krushas

I have finished another warband for Warhammer Underworlds. Morgok’s Krushas!

I decided to go for a darker colour scheme than the standard yellow. For no other reason than to try something different with them. Love painting orks (Orruks?).

If I ever go back to them (as my good lady points out, I never do!), I think the bases need work, and some of the skin tones need to look more bruised and battered in certain areas.  Great models though.

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Morgok’s Krushas – First Orruk

I am currently working on Warhammer Underworld’s warband Morgok’s Krushas. I will likely return to this guys face, specifically the brow, as the detail isn’t sharp enough.

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Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven

I have finished another warband off for Warhammer Underworlds. Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven.

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Jakkob Bugmansson XI

I have finished painting up Jakkob Bugmansson XI.

I love this one off miniatures, as they allow me to paint up something I wouldn’t normally have painted, and explore a different range of miniatures!

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Classic Gotrek and Felix

I have had quite the trip down memory lane during the current lock down. Not only did I paint Aenur, I have also dug out the original Gotrek and Felix models.  These guys are classics, and whilst they were fun to paint, you really do get a sense of how much miniature making has come along.

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Aenur – The Sword of Twilight

Every now and then, an old model from my youth jumps out at me from the past, and I decide I have to paint it. Aenur is one such model. I remember getting this miniature free on the front of White Dwarf when Mordheim came out. I have now finally got round to painting him.

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Ogroid Myrmidon

I have recently finished the fantastic Ogroid Myrmidon. Every now and then a model comes along that I know I have to paint. And this is one such model.

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The Wurmspat

I have had a little break from painting recently, but found my mojo again the other day, and managed to finish off the Wurmspat from Warhammer Underworlds. Love these models and they fit very nicely into my Maggotkin Army!

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Ghulgoch the Butcher – Blightking of the Wurmspat

I have finished Ghulgoch the Butcher. I just have Fecula to paint up, then my new Warhammer Underworlds warband is ready to go!

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Lord of Afflictions

I have finished yet another miniature for my Maggotkin, this is a Lord of Afflictions. I am very close to having my base 2000 points completed. Just four Pusgoyle Blightlords to paint up then it’s done. Will need to paint up some daemons to summon though!

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