Category Archives: Maggotkin of Nurgle

Bloab Rotspawned – Maggoth Lord

The pile of shame grows ever smaller, with the latest addition to my Maggotkin of Nurgle, Bloab Rotspawned.

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Who doesn’t love a good Nurgling? Well, apart from Tzeentch?

And here is a host of Nurgling butts for your delight.

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Rotbringer Sorcerer

I haven’t had much time to paint recently, and any free time I have had has been taken up with Elden Ring. However, I have managed to finish a Rotbringer Sorcerer for my Maggotkin army!

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Plague Bearers Complete

I have completed my Plague Bearers, much quicker than I thought I would. Once I was happy with the scheme for them, I managed to get them finished up pretty quickly.

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I have finished the first five Plaguebearers for my Maggotkin army. I tend to stick with the mortal side of models for my army, but I need some daemons for summoning.

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Ogroid Myrmidon

I have recently finished the fantastic Ogroid Myrmidon. Every now and then a model comes along that I know I have to paint. And this is one such model.

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The Wurmspat

I have had a little break from painting recently, but found my mojo again the other day, and managed to finish off the Wurmspat from Warhammer Underworlds. Love these models and they fit very nicely into my Maggotkin Army!

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Ghulgoch the Butcher – Blightking of the Wurmspat

I have finished Ghulgoch the Butcher. I just have Fecula to paint up, then my new Warhammer Underworlds warband is ready to go!

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Lord of Afflictions

I have finished yet another miniature for my Maggotkin, this is a Lord of Afflictions. I am very close to having my base 2000 points completed. Just four Pusgoyle Blightlords to paint up then it’s done. Will need to paint up some daemons to summon though!

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Sepsimus – Blight King of the Wurmspat

Pretty much finished the first Blightking bodyguard model from the Wurmspat. I need to add some tufts to the base and some goo on his… err… tail? But he is done.

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